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What we do

skyminds supports people in organizations to protect and strengthen mental health. We focus on sustainable, effective solutions that conserve resources, are evidence-based, practical and realistic.

Psychological safety and individual resilience affect the whole person - privately, at work and in all areas in between. We take this reality into account in the conception and implementation of our work.

Last but not least: Brain runs on fun! The feedback from our participants confirms: Enthusiasm and competence of our lecturers and trainers work sparks!

Learn more about what we doand how we work every day to make a lasting impact.


Moderatorin skyminds Vortrag

Inform & inspire

The human brain is much more than a fascinating high-performance computer. At skyminds we are passionate about mental health! Knowledge, experiments and practical suggestions that can be directly transferred into everyday life: Our lectures and key notes have a lasting effect. Know-how from brain research, best practices on resilience and psychological safety. Training mental health is fun, for yourself, in your team or family. You would like to invite us to your event - with pleasure!

MenssMental Health Days skyminds

Mental Health Days

Times are changing - and we are changing with them: Mental health is evolving from a feel-good factor to a safety factor. skyminds Mental Health Days are developed for people who want to continue to master challenges in the future - in a healthy, successful and joyful way.

Your experiences and learnings from a balanced and coordinated mixture of exercises, information and reflections for body, mind and soul can be transferred directly into everyday life and thus contribute to protect and strengthen the mental health of the individual and the psychological safety of your team.


Psychological First Aid, Trauma Rapid Response  - Advisor Training

We train multipliers and first responders according to the peer principl in companies and organizations. The skyminds concept is aligned to to CISM, Critical Incident Stress Management, internationally recognized as a method for the prevention of stress and trauma disorders and requested by the United Nations, UN, if necessary. Our lecturers and trainers are trained in CISM with many years of international practical experience.


Ausbildungsgruppe skyminds

Psychological First Aid, Trauma Rapid Response  - Advisor Training

We train multipliers and first responders according to the peer principl in companies and organizations. The skyminds concept is aligned to to CISM, Critical Incident Stress Management, internationally recognized as a method for the prevention of stress and trauma disorders and requested by the United Nations, UN, if necessary. Our lecturers and trainers are trained in CISM with many years of international practical experience.


mental health:
From well-being - to the safety factor.

We support people in organizations.

We inform.

skyminds Vorträge und Key Notes

We educate.

Ausbildung skyminds Team Berlin Dachterrasse

We advise.

Beratung skyminds Start-up
Himmel silverlining.png

We look forward to you!

Neben den genannten Angeboten veranstalten wir regelmäßig Workshops und Informationstreffen auch für offene und organisationsübergreifende Gruppen.

Sprechen Sie uns an! Kontakt

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